martes, 14 de junio de 2011

The Importance of Using Songs While Teaching English Classes

Using music when teaching English can be beneficial for non-native English speaking students as well as fluent speakers. In his book "Music and Learning," Chris Boyd Brewer explains, "The intentional use of music in the classroom will set the scene and learning atmosphere to enhance our teaching and learning activities." Implementing the use of familiar or easy-to-learn songs is a great way to introduce principles of speaking, hearing and understanding the English language.


The function of using songs while teaching English classes is to engage students in speaking and understanding the English language, while reinforcing the fundamentals of language and communication. Songs contain lyrics that are easy for students to follow and memorize and, therefore, easy to learn and understand. Teachers can use any variety of musical styles to encourage language comprehension.


The main benefit of using songs in the classroom is the repetitive nature of singing and learning them. Repetition has been often proved invaluable in a classroom setting, especially for developing vocabulary and language skills. According to an April 2005 edition of the Translation Journal, "Behaviorists emphasize repetition of material so that it becomes a natural reaction for the student." As students repeat lyrics, they begin to understand the meaning of the words until it becomes a natural act. With this, students can understand the way English is used without even realizing they are learning.


Songs feature many valuable elements to learning a language. They contain words to help students build vocabulary, which is especially helpful to non-native speakers. Through listening to and performing songs, students are introduced to grammar, diction, idioms and dialects that increase comprehension and widen their understanding of how English is used. This can be reinforced by providing students with a written copy of the lyrics, allowing students to hone reading and comprehension skills.


For best results in using music in English lessons, teachers may want to consider using songs that are easy to learn and follow. "Silly" songs that contain easy to remember lyrics are often easy for students to process and understand. If using songs to teach English to non-native speakers, it may be beneficial to translate songs that may be familiar to students into English and perform as a class if possible. The subject matter of the songs should generally be relatable to the student, and if possible, address real-life situations.


Using music when teaching English, especially as a second language to non-native speakers, is a great way to create a friendly, comfortable atmosphere for students to learn. When students feel at ease and in a safe environment, they have the potential to better retain information. The nature of the music changes the act of learning English to the act of experiencing English, which may allow students to focus on the core principles of the language in a manner unlike traditional grammar lessons or drills.

By Elizabeth Holli Wood

12 comentarios:

  1. thanks Eli for the info I am totally agree...

  2. ps good blog, but i have to practice more reading i am left

  3. hola profe es que quisiera saber si ahy actividad para la clases del lunes ya que yo falte las dos ultimas....mi nombre es anyelo andres alvarez reza del grupo de lunes y miercoles de 4 a 6

    gracias por la informacion que me pueda dar...

  4. profe por favor me darias tu correo para poderte mandar los trabajos que para este fin de samana

  5. Profeeeeee no tengo tu correoooo para enviartee los trabajos :ss
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