jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Group #5, Hellos guys look you have to think about your name and how important it is, you can investigate througth internet to complete your apinion, but no copy paste.
In my opinion I think names are really important it is because your name is the word you listen more all days, and I think it is so psicologic. ok guys please let here your opinion.

8 comentarios:

  1. Hello ...
    For me, my name is important because from there depends on how I will find some way to work, because the resume loq ue idce first is that, but also, the name is unimportant, because when it reaches a certain level "trust" and one is likely not to call by name, but by a nickname or a diminutive of the same name, at any rate the importance depends on who and how to use my name.

    Atte: David Esteban Zapata Naranjo Level 4- Group #5

  2. Names are very important because through these we identify our brand and to society. They also influence our behavior and in our daily lives.

    Carlos Jaramillo Group #5-Level 4

  3. hello friends, my name is very important because is from the first name of my father and my grandfather , also is my identitty for the world, society and my bussines.

    jorge mario arango sanchez group #5 level #4
    see you later.

  4. My name is very important for me because is a form to identify me with the society and although I did not decide my name, I like my name. Also my name has not been discriminated by my family or my friends and it is very important for me.

    Jonathan Temoche M Group #5 Level #4

  5. Nestor name Greek origin meaning reach the goal.

    Are intelligent, creative, prudent, compressive, confident has lots of energy and perform various activities at once, are people persevering, ingenious. of good character, homey.

    In love are loving lasting relationships, delivered to your partner and your family, like share this with your free time.


  6. Names are very important in a person's life because they give it to you an identity.
    A wrong name can affect the personality of a person, and maybe his social behavior won´t be the best.
    There are a thousands of names in this world, but every time your name is called, it generates a good vibe in you, and why not, can influence in your destiny.

  7. the name is very important for identification, and , so we can have a good acceptance else society and so a good projection in our around . each name have your significance and your origins which i think that havent incidence in our destiny.

  8. Important because depending on the society or country, this name cause acceptance and admiration, or for the contrary, teasing from those around me.

    Diego Posada Amaya - Leve 4 - Group 5


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